+39 081-19730590 ala.info@alasystems.it


Our technicians

Our technical team is made of skilled people who knows how to get their job done, yet keep constantly looking to make better solutions. 

Our results

FunctionalityAffordability. User-friendliness. Operability. Performance efficiency.

Our software solutions

ALA develops data acquisition and data analysis software among with the complete software suite to manage LIDAR systems and their electronics.
ALA LIDAR analysis software provides:
structural characterization: Planetary Boundary Layer evolution, aerosol layer and cloud depth
optical characterization: extinction and backscattering coefficients
micro-physical characterization: shape, size and type of the atmospheric particulate matter.


Data Acquisition and Lidar Analysis

DALA is a powerful and complete acquisition software currently running on many LIDAR systems; a few of these been part of the permanent and Not-permanent Earlinet station. 


A Complete Retrival tool for lidar signal analysis

ACR is a powerful software specially developed by ALA to match all LIDAR data. The data analysis and the complete characterisation of all optical properties of the airborne particulate and clouds has never been easier. 


PArticles PRoperties Inversion CAlculation

PAPRICA is ALA software flagship product. It overcomes the highly complex task of the atmospheric aerosol distribution via remote sensing technique that deals with a wide range of problems in a very easy and userfiendly way.


Operative headquarters
c/o CESMA, corso N. Protopisani
80146 Napoli
Legal Office
corso Meridionale 39,
80143 Napoli



Certified e-mail


Operative Headquarters
+39 081 0102516

Legal Office
+39 081 19730590