+39 081-19730590 ala.info@alasystems.it


Innovative solutions for air quality monitoring and remote sensing

Our Team

Our team is made of skilled, innovative specialists results-driven and passionate about their work, always studying the best and newest technologies.

Our Results

Accuracy. Functionality. Affordability. Control. Compactness.

ALA systems combine accuracy, stability, transportability, autonomy in remote use, ease of operationa and friendless.


LIDAR for Aerosol with Scanning System for 3D Observation

The analysis of the airborne particulate matter is a very high profile concerne in urban and sub-urban territories and ASSO is the perfect solution to retrieve the PM space-time distribution, optical and microphysical particles properties and localise pollutants sources.



REference Aerosol Lidar

REAL offers research performance, transportability and ease of operation.


One of the most compact LIDAR devices on the market, COLIBRI is the ideal solution to scan air sode-to side if located on a UAV.


Fog Automatic System for safety Transportation

Fog endangers both traffic on highways, causing lots of serious car accidents and airport operations reducing landing operations. FAST is the perfect solution to provide useful information about fog and give an early warning.


LIdAr synthetic echo SimulaTor

LAST represents the breakpoint in LIDAR testing; it is designed to  simulate the behaviour of the atmospheric echo by replicating the large dynamic range of LIDAR signals.


Operative headquarters
c/o CESMA, corso N. Protopisani
80146 Napoli
Legal Office
corso Meridionale 39,
80143 Napoli



Certified e-mail


Operative Headquarters
+39 081 0102516

Legal Office
+39 081 19730590